
“As an undergraduate student in psychology, I was taught that multiple personalities were a very rare and bizarre disorder. That is all that I was taught on ... It soon became apparent that what I had been taught was simply not true. Not only was I meeting people with multiplicity; these individuals entering my life were normal human beings with much to offer. They were simply people who had endured more than their share of pain in this life and were struggling to make sense of it.”

― Deborah Bray Haddock, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook


Disclaimer: The inclusion of any resource here does not indicate the author's endorsement of the resource nor of its contents. The author cannot guarantee positive, safe, or healthy experiences with the forums listed.


  • International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISST-D): Information for the general public, for survivors and their loved ones, and for professionals. Also offers training and conferences and has a resource for finding therapists
  • Trauma Information Pages: Academic articles regarding trauma and dissociation from a variety of authors
  • Jim Hopper: Contains extensive information about child abuse, sexual abuse of males, and recovered memories, among other topics
  • PODS/Carolyn Spring: General and specific articles and information for those with DID/OSDD, their supporters, clinicians, and the general public
  • Discussing Dissociation: The blog of a therapist who treats DID/OSDD. Very friendly and accepting tone, discusses a large range of relevant issues, accepts input from survivors
  • Beauty After Bruises: Information on complex PTSD and posttraumatic dissociative disorders. Also helps survivors to locate treatment and offers treatment grants to survivors in the United States
  • Teach Trauma: Contains information about trauma, posttraumatic stress, and dissociation as well as resources to help educators and students teach others about trauma; managed by Dr. Bethany Brand
  • The CTAD Clinic: The YouTube channel of the Complex Trauma and Dissociation Clinic, managed by Dr. Mike Lloyd. Regularly uploads informational videos on topics ranging from DID/OSDD to therapy processes
  • Healthy Place: Contains general articles, videos, and conference transcripts about DID/OSDD as well as articles by individuals who have or had DID

Informational And Forum

  • System Speak: A series of audio-only content about Emma's healing journey, DID/OSDD, and information from professional guests. Also has a community, with additional community options for paid members
  • Dissociative Initiative: Provides very positive and optimistic yet helpful and informative information on a variety of topics related to dissociation and multiplicity. Does not have a forum but does have a Facebook group
  • First Person Plural: Personal stories, advice, general information, questions, and answers as well as games, puzzles, jokes, and poems through the newsletter archives. Offers private forum access; however, the charity is retiring, and it is unclear if the forum will continue
  • Mosaic Minds: Informational links on various topics in the "Reading Room." Contains a forum with both publicly visible and hidden sections, moderate in size but very low in activity


  • iSurvive: Has some resources but mostly functions as a forum for survivors. Has specific subforums for survivors of different types of abuse, male survivors, and survivors with dissociative disorders or PTSD. Relatively strict rules. Some public sections, moderate size
  • Psych Forums: Overall health forum with a specific section for those with DID/OSDD, curious about DID/OSDD, or supporting someone with DID/OSDD. Relatively active and large, but public and has high member turnover
  • Coping with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Meant for both individuals with DID/OSDD and their supporters. Contains subsections for different ages and needs. Moderate size with low activity, public
  • Ivory Gardens: Has information but mostly functions as a forum for survivors. Large and active forum with many specific subsections. However, admin have been accused of slander aimed at skeptics of DID/OSDD as well as random banning of members
  • Fort Refuge: Has some information but mostly functions as a forum and chat for survivors. Because it's not solely meant for those with DID/OSDD, those with DID/OSDD might find it a little limiting or overly strict on how it allows alters to express themselves. It's a large and very active forum with many specific subforums, including for religious abuse and male survivors. Currently offline; it's unclear if this is permanent
  • Pandora's Project/Aquarium: Has resources and a forum but is aimed at general survivors and not those with DID/OSDD. Relatively large and active forum with specific subforums for survivors of different types of abuse, male survivors, and survivors with PTSD, but only allows the host of DID/OSDD systems to post

Literature: Autobiographical

Literature: Informational and Self-Help

Personal Blogs

YouTube Channels and Podcasts

  • The CTAD Clinic: The YouTube channel of the Complex Trauma and Dissociation Clinic, managed by Dr. Mike Lloyd. Regularly uploads informational videos on topics ranging from DID/OSDD to therapy processes
  • System Speak: A series of audio-only content about Emma's healing journey, DID/OSDD, and information from professional guests. Also has a community, with additional community options for paid members
  • Carol Anne: Vlogs by various alters about therapy, self-advocacy, and daily life
  • Tomi Jameson: Vlogs by various alters about a variety of topics related to daily life, DID, trauma, and healing
  • Multiplicity and Me: A mix of personal and informational videos, including videos aimed to provide help to those with DID/OSDD and videos meant to raise public awareness
  • Donna Williams: Videos about alters, gender identity, integration, and other such topics

Organizations, Hospitals, and Finding Therapists


  • Many Voices: Art and personal stories of survivors, book reviews, and a subscription-based newsletter
  • An Infinite Mind: Provides outreach to dissociative individuals, supporters, and treating professionals through a yearly conference and monthly speaker series
  • Kim Noble: The art collections of Kim Noble and her alters
  • Loving My DID Girls: The blog of a husband to a DID system. Addresses his role in helping his wife to heal from DID as well as topics such as DID and attachment, inner worlds, and relationships between alters
  • European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD): The ESTD no longer has patient-oriented resources available to the general public; however, it does have some publicly available resources that might be helpful for clinicians